John Deere Automation 4.0 Activation For Gen 4 CommandCenter™

Photo of an in-cab mounted Gen 4 CommandCenter display

Automation 4.0 bundles John Deere’s most advanced precision ag tools into a single software package and streams the data into your Gen 4 display.

  • Use data from planting – or strip till and planting – to automatically create full-field guidance lines for secondary passes
  • Let AutoTrac™ Turn Automation take over your turns, implement functions, and speed
  • Crush harvest chaos through combine and grain cart controls with Machine Sync
  • AutoTrac™ Implement Guidance places your tool exactly where it needs to be, even on sidehills and around curves
John Deere
Monitors Receivers and Guidance
Anna, Ohio
Franklin, Indiana
Greenfield, Indiana
Greensburg, Indiana
Greenville, Ohio
Oxford, Ohio
Richmond, Indiana
Rushville, Indiana
Urbana, Ohio