The planter auxiliary camera utilizes an adjustable magnetic mounting base. This allows customers the ability to move and adjust the field of view to see what’s most important to them.
Liquid fertilizer level sensing is available on model year 2026 electric drive planters.
Fertilizer level sensing allows farmers to know how much liquid fertilizer is left in the tank from the convenience of the cab. The fertilizer level is displayed on the G5 CommandCenter™ Display in the SeedStar™ app.
Seed level sensing is available on all model year 2026 electric drive planters equipped with Central Commodity System (CCS) tanks operating on the SeedStar™ 5 planter application.
Seed level sensing gives farmers better knowledge of planter seed levels. This reduces the risk of running out of seed while planting also allowing farmers to better manage seed tendering logistics to have the seed in the right place at the right time.
View individual and total tank levels from the G5 CommandCenter™ display in the SeedStar app:
Save on in-furrow fertilizer cost with ExactShot liquid fertilizer dosing system.
High input costs reduce the profitability of any operation. ExactShot can save growers up to 66% of the cost of in-furrow applied nutrients improving their use and efficiency while protecting yield loss along the way. It does this by dosing the product on top of the seed, in the furrow, eliminating the application of product between seeds.
Using less product also results in fewer stops to refill your tanks, improving the overall efficiency of your planting operation.
*NOTE: Based on internal tests of a prototype ExactShot system performed across 21 farms in six Midwestern states applying a 5.1-cm (2-in) dose on seeds with 15.2-cm (6-in) in-row seed spacing. ExactShot requires a per acre fee when in dosing mode. In continuous mode there is no fee required.
How does it work?
When paired with John Deere’s ExactEmerge™ BrushBelt™ technology, the system tracks each seed with infinite accuracy from meter to seed trench, synchronizing each dose with the exact timing of the seed drop. Placing the solenoid directly above the nozzle tip, below the row-unit, adds an additional level of accuracy with each dose not found in similar products.
Two modes of operation
The overall benefits of ExactShot may vary with different products, crop types, soils, etc. In these scenarios, the system can be switched to a more traditional continuous stream of product directly from the display. This gives operators the flexibility to quickly change their application method without the need to change hardware on the planter.
Agronomic benefits and savings
Multiple field studies* have shown yields were maintained when the same effective application rate of in-furrow starter fertilizer was dosed directly onto the seed compared to the traditional continuous stream. In some highly responsive instances, as the local rate was increased, yield also increased without adding cost to the application.
By reducing rates, customers can increase their overall profit margins, receiving a higher return on investment with 18.7-L/ha (2-gpa) dosing on-seed compared to 56.1-L/ha (6-gpa) continuous stream. View our ExactShot calculator to see how reduced rates can impact your operation.
Reducing the amount of fertilizer used also reduces the risk of nutrients leaching into nearby rivers, lakes, and ponds.
Additionally, because ExactShot significantly reduces how much product is needed, growers can also gain the ability to use beneficial products in-furrow during planting like biologicals, fungicides, and liquid insecticides that may otherwise be too costly to apply.
*NOTE: Internal tests of a prototype ExactShot system performed across 21 farms in six Midwestern states. ExactShot requires a per acre fee when in dosing mode. In continuous mode there is no fee required.
The ExactRate fluid transfer system pairs planters seamlessly with the ExactRate tractor tanks. It provides an easy connection point to allow transfer from the ExactRate tractor tanks back to the planter tank. This enables up 6056 L (1600 gal.)* of combined capacity between the tractor and planter tanks.
ExactRate is available on the following models: 1775NT, 1795, DB44, DB60, and DB66.
*NOTE: 6056 L (1600 gal.) assumes a 2271-L (600-gal.) tank on a 24-Row 1775NT Planter as well as the 3785-L (1000-gal.) capacity on the 8RX Tractor.
John Deere factory-installed liquid tanks offer a convenient way to carry fluid on the planter frame. Styling cues match the CCS™ system tanks, and all brackets and mountings are 100 percent factory installed.
As planting windows get tighter, many growers are working longer hours to get the seed in the ground. With the planter LED lighting package, John Deere delivers better visibility when planting a night.
The ExactRate liquid fertilizer system is a factory-installed solution that provides you with accurate nutrient placement during planting. Previously, you would have to deal with the inconvenience of cumbersome aftermarket systems for a hydraulically driven variable-rate solution. With ExactRate, John Deere delivers a complete planting solution for liquid fertilizer users. You can choose between in-furrow or offset delivery methods. A high-rate option without openers is also offered from the factory. This system delivers:
The ExactRate liquid fertilizer system is designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of ExactEmerge™ and MaxEmerge™ 5e planters. This factory-installed liquid fertilizer system delivers the same value as your electric drive planter including working at speeds faster than the traditional 8.05 km/h (5 mph), turn compensation, and row-by-row section control, all while accurately compensating for varying rates and speed changes. Additional features include row-by-row flow detection, as-applied documentation, and variable-rate capabilities.
Fertilizer flows from the tank to the pump, through a strainer and boom isolation valve, through a central flowmeter, and out to each nozzle body and row-unit for accurate delivery. The system is closed loop, meaning the pump and nozzle body duty cycle both adjust based on feedback received from the pressure sensor and central flowmeter. This design helps maintain an accurate application rate.
NOTE: ExactRate is not recommended for products that require agitation to maintain suspension.
Instead of a tire-contact drive, a hydraulically driven centrifugal pump eliminates chain and sprocket adjustments to provide more speed flexibility over the entire rate range. This pump allows for a wide range of rate capabilities as well as strong durability. The wet seal design helps protect the pump if it is accidentally run dry for a short time.
A strainer helps collect suspended particles and prevent them from causing blockages in the distribution system and nozzle bodies.
The valve prevents the tank from draining out if there is a leak in the distribution system. If the pump is on, the valve opens to allow flow. When the pump is off, the valve closes.
The central flowmeter and pump pressure sensor provide the rate control system feedback on flow and pressure to ensure an accurate application rate across the entire planter width. The flowmeter also supplies the as-applied rate data.
The ExactRate liquid fertilizer system does not have direct injection capabilities on the product being applied. If direct injection is needed on the secondary product, an additional rate controller is required.
NOTE: ExactRate system and John Deere Rate Controller 2000 with Raven ICD Direct Injection system is supported. ExactRate system and GreenStar Rate Controller with Raven ISO Direct Injection system is not supported.
The 2.5-cm (1-in.) stainless-steel distribution lines not only reduce corrosion, but they also provide a clean integrated look. The distribution system is pressure tested at the factory to reduce the risk of leaks.
John Deere has leveraged ExactApply™ technology and capabilities from the sprayers to enable row-by-row section control and turn compensation that matches the high-performance planters. With ExactRate, there are no orifice changes for rate or speed adjustments, saving you time and effort while limiting exposure to product. Pulse-width modulation technology varies duty cycle (opening and closing of the valve) in the nozzle bodies in conjunction with flow and pressure measured from central flowmeter and pressure sensor controlling the system pump. The ExactRate liquid fertilizer system uses one nozzle body for two rows, limiting the number of parts and complexity on each machine. While you’re in the cab, you can keep an eye on each row with flow detection integrated into the Gen 5 display. The system warns you if it detects a variance in an individual row’s flow. A pressure sensor integrated into the nozzle body will detect a flow reduction or overapplication on the row.
Just like on the sprayers, the keypad at the rear of the machine lets you conveniently perform a nozzle flow check to ensure product is coming out of each row before going to the field.
The ExactRate liquid fertilizer system is compatible with the John Deere Rate Controller 2000 and GreenStar™ Rate Controller if a producer wants to apply a second product using a separate distribution system.
Easily adjust target rate and speed without leaving your seat. With turn compensation, inner and outer rates are automatically adjusted to maintain consistent application across the full width of the planter. This ultimately reduces the risk of seed burn by over application (turn compensations require a global positioning system [GPS] receiver). Another helpful feature is row-by-row section control for reduced overlap on headlands and waterways. G5 Documentation creates as-applied maps showing what product was applied where, providing accurate record-keeping.
It is very challenging to get the crop planted during the optimum planting window or as close to the optimum planting day as possible. Rate-of-yield loss accelerates greatly after the optimum window has passed. This is especially true in the northern U.S. and Canada. ExactEmerge maintains accurate speed placement at higher speeds; growers can avoid missing that peak planting time, thereby helping to get the highest crop yields.
With the BrushBelt trench delivery system, the spacing in the trench does not change from even to uneven terrain. This can be a problem with a traditional seed tube. Seed bounce and ricochet may occur as slopes increases, ultimately decreasing seed spacing performance.
The design of the BrushBelt system provides the best solution for the lowest release of seed to the bottom of the trench. The use of a brush provides the meter with an infinite amount of placement opportunities for each seed. This is what gives producers the confidence that every seed will have the desired spacing that a seed tube cannot provide.
When the brush comes around the pulley, it expands and allows the seed to be transferred from the bowl to the brush very easily. The brush then carries the seed down toward the trench, ensuring that there is no movement as it moves down the length of the cartridge.
Once the brush reaches the lower pulley, the BrushBelt system expands again to loosen the grip on the seed, and the centrifugal force releases the seed. Another advantage with the BrushBelt system and cartridge at all speeds up to 16.1 km/p (10 mph) is the ability to match the seed rearward trajectory to the forward ground speed of the planter. This provides a dead drop of the seed with no bounce and no roll at the bottom of the trench.
John Deere’s ExactEmerge cartridge is self-cleaning. When an operator uses seed treatments or is forced to plant in less than ideal soil conditions, the design of the trench delivery system sheds buildup from the BrushBelt. A brush conditioner is located at the bottom of the cartridge to remove remaining residue and prevent the bristles from sticking together.
Another advantage over a seed tube is that the BrushBelt system also acts as a cleaner to the seed sensor compared to a seed tube.
On all ExactEmerge row-units, each cartridge is equipped with sensors. As the seeds are being delivered through the BrushBelt delivery system controls, they pass the reflective seed sensor. The delivery system slides every seed past the seed sensor to read and send the signal to the controller. The seed sensor and design can provide sensor performance at higher seeds per second with no population adjustment as needed with seed tube sensors. This seed sensor data is actual row-unit performance data. In comparison, seed tube sensors add 10 percent population in soybean planting to adjust for the seeds missed due to placement within the seed tube. The BrushBelt system holds each seed in place until released in the trench, allowing the seed sensor a more accurate read.
The BrushBelt system requires no maintenance and has a wear life designed to match the wear life of the other wear components. Since operations vary, as do soils and field content, it is recommended to replace the BrushBelt after noticeable wear or decreased performance.
Changing the belt is easy. One latch removes the meter over the trench delivery system. Grab the cartridge by the grip and pull toward the body, releasing it from the electric motor fitting. Lift the trench delivery system up and remove the sensor wiring harness to completely pull the cartridge out of the row-unit.
There are two plastic covers that snap off to uncover the belt; remove the covers and then twist the circular spring tensioner dial with the yellow arrow on it to release the tension on the springs. Once tension has been removed, pull the belt out. It is also recommended to change the stainless-steel wear strip at this time as well, which also slides right out of place without the use of tools.
NOTE: It is recommended to use a talc/graphite mixture with ExactEmerge. Best results have been 80 percent talc and 20 percent graphite. For certain regions and territories, talc and talc/graphite mixes are restricted from use; in this case, use a wax-based fluency agent.
SeedStar 5 is the latest monitoring software for John Deere planters available for Model Year 2025. This system is paired with G5 displays and Implement Ethernet to provide high-definition documentation, faster data speeds, and more information in the cab.
The first day of planting season can be as productive as the last with mobile row-unit runoff. The mobile row-unit runoff activation on the planter main controller (PMC) allows operators to make adjustments to maximize row-unit performance from a mobile device at the rear of the planter for both preseason and in-season use - all enabled through the Equipment Mobile app.
Mobile row-unit runoff allows growers to perform test-stand functions from a mobile device connected to the planter.
The row runoff test provides complete diagnostic checks both preseason and in season. With the row-unit runoff test, the operator can make adjustments from the mobile device, including vacuum pressure, to determine the optimum meter and vacuum settings. This app functionality will help avoid making trips to the cab while validating meter performance.
During preseason planter inspections and set up, utilize the meter performance test to validate meter accuracy, similar to a test stand without leaving the farm. Test all systems on the planter, not just the meter, providing confidence that all planter systems are ready to plant. Reports are generated from the test providing information the operator can save and send for future reference.
Before heading to the field, the operator will benefit from knowing the best row-unit and vacuum settings for each variety selected to plant that spring.
Watch this video to see mobile row-unit runoff in action.
Mobile row-unit runoff will work with any model year 2015 or newer ExactEmerge™ or MaxEmerge™ 5e equipped planter. Mobile row-unit runoff can be added with attachment AA93169.
For model year 2018 and newer ExactEmerge planters, mobile row-unit runoff is included in base equipment. For model year 2020 and newer MaxEmerge 5e planters, mobile row-unit runoff is included in base equipment. For planters not equipped from the factory, mobile row-unit runoff can be added with attachment AA93169. A mobile row-unit runoff and Easy Fold package can be added with attachment AA97849 (only available with 1775NT and 1795 Planters with a 2-point hitch and model year 2019 and newer DB Planters with Gen 4 based frame folding).
NOTE: Mobile runoff utilizes the Equipment Mobile app available on select iPad® tablets, iPhone® smartphones, and Android™ devices.
Mobile row-unit runoff and Easy Fold aftermarket for field conversion kits
The below software bundles include the functionality explained above for machines not ordered with the feature from the factory. Compatible machines include all the necessary sensors and harnesses needed to make the feature function. The attachment part is software only. Follow the mobile runoff ordering and software push guide below for ordering and installation.
SeedStar™ 3 HP conversion to SeedStar 4HP
Mobile runoff ordering and software push guide
iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.
IRHD has been specifically designed to meet the needs of producers that are looking to adjust to the toughest field conditions and provide maximum yield potential from field to field, season after season. IRHD works as a closed-loop downforce system that reacts quickly on an individual row basis to changing soil conditions supporting increased ground contact, which can lead to improved seed depth consistency. When setting planter downforce margin, the system will apply the needed downforce by row to maintain ground contact.
The system allows operators to maintain gauge wheel ground contact leading to desired seed depth placement. IRHD can adjust five times per second and make adjustments of 45.4 kg (100 lb) in less than a second. The system has a total range of applied downforce from 22.7 kg (50 lb) to 204.1 kg (450 lb) and utilizes the power beyond circuit on the tractor. IRHD is 58 percent faster than the active pneumatic downforce solution. Fast reaction and increased ground contact can lead to improved emergence. With uniform emergence, some studies have shown a yield impact from 5 percent to 9 percent.
IRHD is controlled through the G5 Display with SeedStar 5. As shown below, operators can view ground contact or applied downforce using the toggle button.
The IRHD actuator is the foundation of ensuring accurate seed depth and seed-to-soil contact at higher planting speeds up to 16.1 km/h (10 mph). The newly redesigned IRHD actuator was designed with durability and optimal performance in mind. Consisting of a valve, pressure sensor, cylinder, and now, two accumulators, the new design allows the operator to reduce downtime with recharges instead of replacements. With two rechargeable nitrogen accumulators built into the new IRHD actuator, it maintains performance, even at low nitrogen levels. This allows reduced downtime for the operator, and optimal performance over entire operating range. Pressure control from the IRHD actuator ensures optimal system performance by dampening shocks from field obstacles while operating in the field. The reduction of shock loads prevents excessive wear and broken row unit components due to the new robust and durable design. Frequently worn parts such as the accumulator pistons and seals can be replaced. The actuator rod has an internal retention feature to prevent oil loss in the event of a row unit failure.
Heavy-duty parallel arm for IRHD Planter row units available
The functional features of the integrated system are the same as the standard pneumatic system, explained above, with the addition of control through the display.
A hydraulically driven compressor works with the G5 Display with SeedStar 5 systems to automate downforce control. Just set the row-unit target margin value and the active pneumatic downforce system works automatically. The system will make sure the planter maintains this value, achieving precise soil penetration, and consistent planting depth, without sidewall soil compaction. From the factory, the system is set at 45.4 kg (100 lb) target downforce margin but may be modified for varying field conditions. This frees the operator from constantly making manual downforce adjustments as conditions change.
This system offers a split-rank control feature for 1795 and DB Split-Row Planters. On split-row planters, active downforce will control the front and rear rows independently. This compensates for differing downforce requirements between the ranks that can be caused by things like different tillage or insecticide attachments and will help maintain an accurate planting depth and consistent margin across all the rows.
Active pneumatic downforce is available as factory installed or as an attachment for field conversion.
On set point, the air compressor will be mounted on the outer hitch or frame assembly. Since the electric air compressor assembly is mounted on the outer hitch (as noted in the picture above) or frame, adjustments for row-unit downforce and related system pressures will be made electronically with the display.
When adjusting the amount of row-unit downforce using the display, the operator will select the amount of downforce (kg [lb]) to be applied across the planter. Depending on the soil conditions at hand, the operator might need to adjust the relative amount of row-unit downforce being applied during the planting operation. The integrated pneumatic downforce controls within the display will only allow for set-point operation and not automatic control as the planter is operating in different soil conditions. The pneumatic downforce system does not have the capability to automatically adjust downforce.
Pneumatic downforce provides convenient, simple adjustment of downforce for the whole planter from one location. The amount of downforce applied is infinitely adjustable from 6.8 to 181.4 kg (15 to 400 lb). Pneumatic downforce provides more consistent downforce throughout the range of row-unit travel than mechanical spring downforce systems.
Features include:
An improved compressor is used to charge the pneumatic system. This compressor can be located on the planter frame or in the tractor cab if desired. A gauge at the compressor indicates the amount of downforce being applied.
Planter row-unit downforce is an important factor to ensure consistent and proper depth control. The heavy-duty adjustable downforce feature provides up to 181.4 kg (400 lb) of downforce. There are four settings available to allow the operator to choose the amount of downforce required for the condition: 0 kg (0 lb), 56.7 kg (125 lb), 113.4 kg (250 lb), and 181.4 kg (400 lb).
Easy Adjust row cleaner and coulter combo provides a pneumatic row tillage solution that is controlled from the seat of the tractor.
Every decision to make an adjustment during spring planting reduces the acres planted per day and can increase or decrease profitability. An adjustment that can be overlooked is row cleaners due to planter size, difficulty to make the adjustment, and varying conditions across fields and time.
With the Easy Adjust row cleaners on ExactEmerge™ planters, operators now have a pneumatic solution to make on-the-go adjustments that is controlled directly from the seat of the cab. They can be raised from the cab as needed with the push of a button for wet areas, waterways, or end rows. For growers using SeedStar 4 HP, the row cleaners are completely integrated into the John Deere Gen 4 4600 CommandCenter display or 4640 Universal Display. For growers using SeedStar 5HP, a G5 Universal Display is required.
The Easy Adjust row cleaners have the capability to save three presets for varying ground engagement based on field conditions. The system is controlled in three sections: at each wing as well as the center (frame or wheel) track rows. The pneumatic lines use air from the active pneumatic downforce compressor, requiring no additional compressor to be installed on the planter. The Easy Adjust row cleaners utilize down and up force air bags. The adjustable air pressure setting for each bag allows the operator to set the ride of the row cleaner depending on the field conditions and the desired results. Making these on-the-go adjustments from tractor cab increases productivity and performance during planting.
For Easy Adjust row cleaner Precision Upgrade options, see the ordering guide.
The row cleaner-only option utilizes parallel linkage to provide the floating action growers require in their fields. Parallel linkage allows for the unit to float up and down in the situation of hills or hard objects. The cleaner and coulter combo does not have parallel linkage, however, the row cleaners have floating rings installed to help provide the same benefits.
The row cleaners utilize the field-proven SharkTooth® design. Row cleaners play a major role in maximizing yield toward uniform emergence, reducing row-unit bounce, and maintaining proper depth. The Easy Adjust row cleaners provide growers with quick and stress-free solutions to customizing the planter in variable field conditions. They are available on most ExactEmerge and MaxEmerge 5e equipped planters.
SharkTooth is a trademark of Yetter Manufacturing Incorporated.
Terraces or waterways are two of many field obstacles that make planting on a curve challenging. When planters utilize drive shafts, they are not able to control each individual row-unit; as a result, planting on a curve presents an issue of maintaining 100 percent population. Since the inside rows are moving slower than the outside rows, the inside rows will be overpopulated while the outside rows are underpopulated.
With ExactEmerge™ planters and equipped MaxEmerge™ 5e planters, the curve compensation feature allows each row to receive an individual signal based on the speed at which the row-unit is moving, maintaining the correct population across the width of the planter. Without curve compensation, there could be as much as a 24 percent drop in population accuracy, which is equivalent to 8,600 seeds per acre when planting at 36,000 seeds per acre. Curve compensation measures acceleration within the main planter controller and utilizes speed inputs to ensure each row has the desired population accuracy.
When you buy John Deere equipment, you expect reliability. You also know that problems can happen, and a product is only as good as the support behind it. That’s why John Deere equipment is prepared with technology that senses potential issues and can alert you and your dealer promptly—in the cab or anywhere you are.
John Deere Connected Support is a revolutionary change to support that leverages technology and the connectivity of JDLink™ telematics to prevent downtime and resolve problems faster. These tools decrease downtime by an average of 20 percent, enabling faster responses to unexpected problems and reducing technician trips to your machine. For some issues, unplanned downtime can even be prevented altogether through prediction of the issue.
With your permission, John Deere Connected Support:
With more than a decade of experience leveraging connectivity to solve problems, no one else has the experience, tools, and knowledge to keep you running as John Deere and your John Deere dealer can. Connected Support is an in-base feature on all John Deere products with factory- or field-installed JDLink.
Key Specs | Current Model |
Number of rows | 20 |
Row spacing | 51 cm 20 in. |
Frame - Fold configuration | |
Frame - Flexibility | Up and down: 15 degree (angle) |
Row unit seed hoppers | Capacity 2.2 L 0.62 bu |
Seed Meters | Base Vacuum |
Rows and Row Spacing | |
Number of rows | 24 |
Row spacing | 24R20: 51 cm 20 in. |
Frame | |
Fold configuration | |
Frame tube size | |
Fold-and-go from tractor cab | |
Flexibility | UP and down: 15 degree (angle) |
Hitch | |
Base | |
Optional | |
Rear hitch | |
Lift System | |
Type | Wheel modules with rephasing hydraulic cylinders |
Number of cylinders | |
Tires | |
Base | Wing tires: 7.50-20 6PR implement tire Center tires: VF295/75R22.5 |
Optional | |
Quantity | |
Row Units | |
Type | Standard: MaxEmerge™ 5 row units Optional: ExactEmerge™ row units MaxEmerge 5e row-units |
Opener | Tru-Vee™ double disk |
Depth gauging | |
Adjustment | |
Walking wheels | |
Row unit seed hoppers | Capacity 2.2 L 0.063 bu |
Row unit down force | |
Scrapers, opener blades | |
Seed tube sensors | |
Seed Meters | |
Base | Vacuum |
Optional | |
Finger pickup | |
Radial bean meter | |
Central Commodity System | Seed capacity Without liquid tank: 4581 L 130 bu With liquid tank: 3524 L 100 bu |
Drive System | |
Base | Hydraulic variable rate drive |
Optional | |
Number of drive wheels | |
Drive wheel disconnect | |
Counter shaft | |
Drill shaft | |
Seed transmission | |
Transmission combinations | |
Markers | |
Type | Automatic alternating or independent control |
Control | |
Marker disk | |
Shear bolt protection | |
Less marker option | |
Closing System | |
Rubber tire closing system | |
Cast iron closing system | |
Herbicide and Insecticide | |
Insecticide only hopper | |
Herbicide only hopper | |
Insecticide and herbicide hopper | |
Liquid Insecticide System | |
System available | |
Tank capacity | |
Seed Monitor System | |
Base | SeedStar™ on GreenStar™ displays |
Optional | |
Tillage Attachments | |
Unit-mounted coulter | |
Frame-mounted coulter | |
Bubble blade | |
.63-in. fluted blade (25 flutes) | |
.7-in. fluted blade (13 flutes) | |
1-in. fluted blade (8 flutes) | |
Row tillage support hanger | |
Tine tooth | |
Cons. furrower w/ leading cutout blade | |
V-wing bed sweeps | |
Row cleaner | |
Row cleaner - unit-mounted coulter | |
Row cleaner - unit-mounted DD fert. opener | |
Fertilizer | |
Onboard / towed / tractor tanks | |
Tank capacity | 1590 L 420 gal. |
Fixed-rate application | |
Variable-rate application | |
Pump type | |
Pump rate | |
Fertilizer opener type | |
Flow divider distribution system | |
Pressure manifold distribution system | |
Dry fertilizer | |
ExactRate Fluid Transfer System | Available |
Dimensions | |
Transport width (with markers) | 4043 mm 159.2 in. |
Transport width (without markers) | |
Transport length | 10425 mm 410.4 in. |
Transport height | 4075 mm 160.4 in. |
Transport weight | |
Transport underframe clearance | |
Field operation height | |
Field operation width | 13212 mm 520.2 in. |
Field operation length | 7913 mm 311.5 in. |
Ag Management Solutions | |
Map-based seeding | |
Field documentation | |
Parallel tracking | |
Additional Information | |
Recommended tractor horsepower | Minimum required for 9.1 m (30 ft) models: 201 kW 270 hp Minimum required for 12.2 m (40 ft) models: 268 kW 360 hp |
Recommended tractor hydraulics | Hydraulic oil pump required to operate ExactEmerge™ planter: 227 L/min 60 gpm Tractor standby pressure: 15,500 kPa 155 bar (2300 psi) Hydraulic system working pressure: 20,684 kPa 207 bar (3000 psi) Hydraulic system burst pressure: 82,737 kPa 827 bar (12,000 psi) |
Warranty length | |
Date collected |
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