
Precision Ag
Submitted by Kurtis Shipp on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 12:00pm

Today when we think of Precision Farming we think about AutoTrac and Swath Control. Although these are pertinent examples of great Precision Farming technology that helps farmers become more profitable, there is another side to Precision Farming that is just as important and can save a producer just as much money but is not quite as tangible.  I’m talking about data.

RTK 900
Submitted by Kurtis Shipp on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 11:44am

Many growers across the Corn Belt fully understand the concept of automated steering but many become confused when they try to decipher all the different levels of satellite accuracy available.  With terms like WAAS, SF1, SF2, XP, HP, CORS, RTK, and RTX it can be very hard to determine what is out there in the marketplace.  In this discussion I would like to help clarify and simplify things for the consumer.

Submitted by Koenig.Equipment on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 10:52am

According to, tractor sales in April 2012 showed some increase. This is a year-over-year increase from 2011 using stats compiled from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

Submitted by Kurtis Shipp on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 8:27am

We are at a point in agriculture where guidance and automated steering have become mainstream in production agriculture.  It is very common to see growers using products like AutoTrac and lightbars to keep straight lines going through the field.  The adoption of guidance technology has trickled down from its starting point on large scale operations to even the smallest operations due to the benefits it can provide.

Tractor History
Submitted by Koenig.Equipment on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 10:05am

While our main thing is tractor sales in Indiana and Ohio, we still like to talk and write about other things too. In this case we delve into the history of farming, how tractors were used, and other forms of farm equipment before tractors.

Welcome to our Blog
Submitted by Koenig.Equipment on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 9:41am

This is the first in a series of posts we'll be doing. We'll talk about lots of agricultural terms and explain things in layman's terms. We'll touch on agriculture history, various tractors and other farm implements and farm equipment. Of course we'll cover John Deere farm equipment and tractor sales, but we'll also touch on all manner and brands of tractors.